In stark contrast to the more melodically-inclined black metal we’ve showcased this month, Horoma Exordium’s first “hello” to the world is far more visceral. Everything clicks – expect From Dying Suns to make a much larger splash in the pool moving forward. A crisp mix/master from Chris Donaldson is just what this type of sound needs – clarity for the melodic and technical aspects, but beefy enough to ensure it has enough power. They do prove to be more than just speed freaks though, with “Voracious Vulture” leaning towards more melody, such as a great lead around the half-way mark, to make its mark. Sheer intensity rips through the speakers as “Death Comes Alive” plays its modern death/thrash combo. Transcending Flesh seems to be the perfect album to work as a morning wake-up call. All in all, an enjoyable listen if you are in the mood for something on the blacker side of the divide. A buzzy tone to the guitars seems to echo the blackened intent, and the synths behind it all never veer too close to the surface, acting only to provide some mood when utilized (see “Desperate Flight”). A strong blackened vibe permeates most of the songs on Jarnvidr, and it seems equally coated in the melodic aspects as well.

Perhaps pagan is a better branding, but more important is the music itself. There was some apprehension about writing “folk” in the style heading, as this isn’t the usual and more uplifting type of album. There’s some strong melancholy amidst the sometimes blast-ridden landscape, which is a necessity to keep them on par with the rest of the field, but comes across as one of Emptiness’ strongest assets. It’s all tied back into some melodic touches, with the band going so far as to toss in some clean vocals here and there for good measure. Moments of more raw, blackened flavors mix with more atmospheric tones as well as some doomy and shoegaze vibes as you make your way through the album. Lots of varied black metal going on with Emptiness, Ashes of Nowhere’s first full-length. Featuring Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation) and Rob Crow (Pinback), this is a few minutes of your life that you certainly can make time for – even if it’s only 0:08 to hear a grind version of “Grab ‘Em By the Pussy.” Now that he’s president, will there be a second release? One can only hope. Released just prior to the US election, Anal Trump is a blistering grindcore assault in the way of Anal Cunt – silly song titles (though in this case, some song titles/lyrics are statements the man actually made) with the longest song lasting 18 seconds. This month we check out Anal Trump, Ashes of Nowhere, Dreadeth, From Dying Suns, Horoma Exordium, Horrible Earth, Master Boot Record, Seraph in Travail, Solborn, The Hudson Horror, Thirteen Bled Promises, and Those Darn Gnomes. The Black Legend is imminent, so is the end of all lifeforms.Before we start entering into that dormant period between holidays and the start of the new year, among all of the top lists (of which one will replace next month’s Bandcamp), here’s one more grouping of the finest albums you can grab on the digital side of things before 2017 enters. Thanks to Mordisco Films and Simbiox for their amazing collaborations and for helping us make this alien dream come true. The insane and profesional work put by Jesus M Gomez from NPPC ESTUDIOS in directing and editing the video is something we will be forever thankful for.
Thirteen bled promises the black legend full#
This sci-fi piece reflects very well the atmosphere behind our new full length, but it is only a mere introduction to the brutality and heavyness that awaits humanity. Our brand new music video fot the song 'Biblephagy Slender Phytobezoars', premiering our upcoming album 'The Black Legend' that will be released very soon through Blood Fire Death. After all this time, work, shows and abductions, here it is.